It’s NEVER too late!

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No matter how bad you have lived, failed, hurt yourself or others, It’s NEVER too Late to change.

If you are breathing, you have the power to start over, begin anew, go in a different direction, take a risk, pursue your Purpose & Passion, forgive, repent, love, be happy, find peace, act, learn, grow, change, do the right thing, and trust God!

You still have time to fulfill your God-Given Destiny because It’s NEVER too Late!

Moses was an insecure, exiled loser, and according to himself, and undeserving, unwilling to cooperate, coward.

He gave God every excuse as to why he could not do the things asked of him. 

Here are just a few of his excuses: I have a terrible past, I’ve sinned, I killed, I lied, I ran away, I betrayed my family’s confidence, I relinquished my spiritual talents, I’m full of hate, I’m afraid, and I stutter!

Moses was found guilty, stripped of all his titles and possessions, exiled from his family, home, and people with no hope or future.

It was not too late for Moses to start over. He went on to become the most powerful leader of his time and free millions of his people from slavery.

Laura Ingalls Wilder did not let her age stop her from chasing her dreams.

She published her first book when she was 65 years old…Little House.

Her books were turned into a TV series – Little House on the Prairie.

I grew up watching this show and falling in love with the characters as a child.

Anna Mary Robertson Moses, oras we know her – Grandma Moses, started painting at the young age of 78. 

Her paintings were featured on postage stamps in the 1940s, and in 2016, one of her paintings sold for over $1 million.

Harry Bernstein published his memoir called “The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers” at the age of 96.

The book is about his childhood, his relationship with his mother, and his alcoholic father. He went on to write two more books.

He said in an interview, “My 90’s were the most productive years of my life!”

Peter is my all-time favorite Biblical character.

He publicly denied Christ 3 times, tried to solve some problems through sheer force and violence, had a big mouth, and even tried to wrestle leadership from Jesus!

Peter came back, repented, and did many miraculous things after all these Epic failures!

Moses, Laura, Anna, Harry, & Peter all changed the world.

They believed It’s NEVER too Late!

Your Best years are Yet to Come.

Decide today to use your past hurts and mistakes as Fertilizer for your Future!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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