Aborted Purpose

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My 8 years of military service could be summed up as: Action Minus Attitude Equals Aborted Purpose!

There was a post that I had to work while stationed in Germany called Echo 3.

I came to work every day, was on time, did what I was told to do, stayed until I was relieved, and on paper fulfilled my job responsibility.

The problem was I hated my job!

Every day I came to work dragging my rear end, leaving Butt marks wherever I went.

My life was consumed by frustration, discontentment, and anger.

I went through the motions every day because I had to.

You could sum up those 8 years this way: I was Obedient but NOT Willing.

 “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land” (Isaiah 1:19A).

My problem was not Obedience; it was Attitude.

I had “Heart Dis-Ease.”

This lifestyle leads to the Abortion of your Purpose and Passion.

Even though I went through the motions every day in doing my job, people knew I hated it.

There was not a day of work that someone did not stop and ask if I was okay.

The look on my face and my body language revealed a heart disconnected from its Purpose.

The Heart (Willing Desire) and the Hand (Obedient Action) must be in unison, or the result will be an Aborted Purpose and Failed Life.

According to Gallop, 70% of those working are Obedient but NOT Willing.

These people are like I was at Echo 3 in Germany, leaving Butt Marks!

Being Willing means, I Freely give My Will out of a Desire to see you Succeed.

Obedience is an outward action and is WORTHLESS without Willing being the motivator.

Willing is an Inward act that desires to do more than what is expected or asked.

This type of attitude comes from understanding your God-given Purpose and Passion.

You cannot Fake Willing, but you can Fake Obedience, and millions of people are faking at work every day.

Obedience without willing is nothing more than Lip Service. It is a Con Man’s Game.

My life changed the second I realized my Purpose and Passion.

Now people ask me, Why do you Love doing what you are doing so much, instead of are you okay!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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