The 3 Stages of “The Suck”

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The Military has a term “Embrace The Suck,” which is defined as To consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable.  

Whether you are in the Military, a Civilian, someone trying to get in shape, or an employee who hates their job, this term applies to us ALL.

To radically transform your life, attitude, finances, relationships, body, or job, you must do stuff that SUCKS!

You must do workouts you’d rather just skip. 

You have to eat healthy food instead of pizza. 

You have to go to bed early when you’d rather stay up late & watch TV.

You have to go to work daily and act like you don’t hate it when you would rather go fishing.

Pursuing your Purpose & Passion requires doing a lot of things that are not fun. 

Every human must go through the same process to chip away at the unpleasant areas of our lives so that we can become what God created us to be.

Being uncomfortable will Suck, but it is a small price to pay for living a dream.

I believe there are 3 main stages of The Suck.

Once you understand the stage, you will be better equipped to navigate through them.

Stage 1

1.    THIS SUCKS! Why did I ever agree to do this? What was I thinking? There is NO WAY I can do this. Everyone else who succeeded at this is better than me.

Does any of this sound familiar?

They are all the lies we tell ourselves when the pain, awkwardness, and the feeling of being uncomfortable seize us.

For the last 2 years, I take only cold showers.

This is part of The Suck I use to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

The first minute of standing under the cold water is Shocking to the body (Stage 1).

Each time I question why I am doing this. My thoughts run amok as my body screams at me to turn on the hot water just one time.

I have to fight through the First Stage of The Suck every day as that freezing water hits me.

You will need to prepare yourself for the First Stage of The Suck because this is where most of the people give up!

Stage 2:

2.    This still Sucks, but I think I can do it. I still hate it, but now I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This is still a dangerous stage, but you are getting close to the Tipping Point – the place where your confidence and momentum push you forward to success.

Your body and mind are still trying to convince you to quit, but you are starting to believe!

Stage 3:

3.    I can do this! It still hurts, I still feel awkward and uncomfortable, but I am starting to feel like I can do anything!

This is the Victory Stage. This is when your body and mind start to agree that you are Powerful, Confident, and Successful.

There is no greater process that happens in you than what goes on in Stage 3.

Some practical tips that work for me during these Stages:

A.   I break down the amount of time into a percent while going through any of the Stages. Instead of saying I have 10 minutes left in this workout I hate doing, I turn that into a percent of the time – I only have 20% more to go or I am 80% done! This sounds so much better than the eternity of 10 minutes.

B.   Turn your Negative Complaint into a Positive/Funny Complaint: Verbally Complain, but with a smile on your face and standing in a confident posture. “Man, this Sucks” now comes out as a mental victory when you force your body, tonality, and face to agree with your will!

C.   Embrace the Suck – If you are Expecting the Suck, you will Welcome it and not succumb to it! Your mentality should be “This too shall pass”!

D.   Consistent Small Wins Will Change Your World. Keep moving forward no matter how small the step or progress. Chip away, and one day you will wake up a Masterpiece!

Learn to face The Suck in your life and live like Kings & Queens!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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