New Year or Same Old Year?

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Will you be dragging the Old Year into the New Year to make it the Same Old Year?

Too many people live their lives like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day did, and nothing changes!

Bill’s character in the movie kept doing the things he always did.

He kept doing things that made him depressed, cranky, frustrated, lonely, uninspired, tired, and angry.

Most of us do the same thing year in and year out and never break the cycle of Frustration.

These things happen to us over and over because we love Comfort & Security even though they bring us misery!

We drag all the things we do not like about our lives into the New Year.

This does not take long before the New Year looks and feels just like the Old Year!

You’ve heard the definition of insanity…Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

In the movie, Mr. Murray continued to do the things he always did and became suicidal when things did not change.

Notice how he manipulated, connived, lied, and cheated, trying to get ALL the Stuff he thought would make him Happy.


His life changed when he started to use what he had to help others.

He stopped focusing on how he could become happy, content, energized, wealthy, fulfilled, and popular.

All his time and effort went into those people around him, and that broke the chain of living the same Old Way!

I love how he stopped trying to “Have it All in Life,” and instead “Gave it All Away,” he got ALL the Stuff he thought was important!

The funny part was he no longer needed ALL the Stuff because he was HAPPY & FULFILLED with helping others get what they want.

Your life is not a Hollywood movie, and it will not change overnight like it did in Ground Hog Day.

BUT it will Change once you stop trying to be Happy and help others be Happy.

Will the New Year be a New Adventure?


Will the New Year be the same Old Year with a different date?

You hold the keys to your own destiny.

Change How you play the game by focusing on those around you instead of your own needs.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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