Frozen in Time

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Otzi the Iceman, also called Frozen Fritz, was discovered in 1991, Frozen in Time in a glacier in the Italian Alps. 

Today he is over 5,000 years old, but his body, clothing, and even his last meal was perfectly preserved by the glacier in which he was found.

Nothing changed!

At least this Iceman has good reasons…He is Dead and Frozen.

How many of us are Frozen in Time to some painful thing or event from our past?

We stopped Living, Loving, and Learning.   

Our lives have become a Time Capsule. 

We have perfectly preserved our lives buried in some deep place, waiting for someone to dig us up. 

Nothing Has Changed. We quit, gave up, and sat down next to our pain so that we could relive it every day. 

The pain from the abandonment, abuse, betrayal, loss, divorce, disease, or a multitude of other tragedy’s caused us to give up on our Purpose, Family, and God. 

There is no way to go back in time and stop the pain from happening, but we can learn to use what was meant for evil and turn it into something GOOD. 

Since you are still alive, YOU have time to change the ending of your story! 

No one said your life must be a Horror Film. 

The first step to breaking out of our Frozen prison is to understand God has a plan for you that is so much more than you can imagine or dream of. 

All the bad things that have happened in your life can be used for GOOD. 

The scars will always remain, but the grief, sorrow, and pain can be turned into Joy, Peace, and Hope!

The biggest, most painful financial loss we experienced has now become one of our greatest strengths. 

The process of dethawing the ice and freeing yourself from your Time Capsule works this way:

    1.  Trust that God has a way to turn your Water (Pain) into Wine (Joy). 

    2. Learn from your experience of pain. 

    3. Share your STORY of Hope – Your testimony of how you overcame that which was                 designed to STOP you.

The world needs to hear your Story. 

Your Testimony is vital to helping others get free from being Frozen in Time.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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