The Fruits of our Beliefs

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We will always act on what we believe, and therefore, our lives become The Fruits of our Beliefs!

There are only 2 choices to believe in: Faith or Fear. Another way to say this would be to believe in the Truth or the Lie!

The two questions then should be:

1.     What is the Truth or Lie?

2.     How do I know if I am following the correct one?

The answer to both is the same…The Fruits of Your Beliefs.

Faith and Fear produce Fruit in your life, and like a fruit tree, it is easy to tell which one you are.

Here are the Fruits of Faith/Truth.

1.     Love:  Serves the other person first. 

2.     Joy: gladness based on what God says about us, NOT on our circumstances.

3.     Peace: is the opposite of worry, stress, and anxiety.

4.     Patience: Is a display of endurance, longsuffering, and perseverance with others.

5.     Goodness & Kindness: The way they act toward others. This “goodness in action.”

6.     Faithful: Is to be reliable or trustworthy to the way you say you believe.

7.     Gentleness: is grace of the soul. It is not weakness, but it is strength under control.

8.     Self-control: Is the power to say “yes” to the Truth/Faith & No to the Lie/Fear.

These are the Fruits of Fear/Lies

1.     Hate: We are the focus & we express it in dividing others.

2.     Depression: sadness, hopelessness, and helplessness.

3.     Anxiety: insecurity about the future.

4.     Anger: You are not at peace with your present circumstances.

5.     Rejection: This is the category of personal security and of safety.

6.     Unforgiveness: is a lie of pride. It takes humility to forgive.

7.     Fear: Will lead you to manipulate people & destroy relationships.

8.     False Self Image: Comes from Fear, Comparison, and Stress.

9.     Indulgence: An unhealthy desire of the senses, or Love substitute.

What Fruits are you producing in your life right now?

Faith and Fear come from what YOU are listening to: Truth or Lies.

Faith means believing strongly in God and believing strongly that everything that He says is true.

Fear means believing strongly in the World and believing strongly that everything the World tells you is true!

Whose Report will you believe?

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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