Sacred Honor

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“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.”

This is the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence and where the 56 men signed their names.

Sam Adams stood and summarized what they had just done. “We have this day,” he said, “restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun; let His kingdom come.”

They pledged to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor,” they risked everything they had, and aspired to something greater than their own narrow self-interest.

These men considered their reputation and honor so important that they called it “Sacred.”

Our Founding Fathers placed their Honor and Duty above their private rights!

To them, Sacred Honor was Irreplaceable and Non-Negotiable.

It was MORE important than their own life, wealth, and future.

Most people today call these types of individuals Special…Meaning they were born Special.

We do this because it is easier than admitting we are trading our Sacred Honor for fear, apathy, and greed!

You were born with a Purpose and Passion that was handcrafted by God specifically for you.

The same care that went into creating the lives of these 56 signers of the Declaration went into creating your life!

You were also born SPECIAL, and given all that you need to change the world!

Have you devoted your Sacred Honor to God, Family, Job, Church, Community, and Country?

We cannot hide behind any excuse because Sacred Honor is NOT dependent on your age, color, education, looks, finances, or title.

Helen Keller was blind and deaf before her second birthday.

Services for those with these disabilities during the 19th Century were very limited!

In 1904, Keller graduated from Radcliffe College, becoming the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

She would go on to achieve international acclaim, becoming America’s first Goodwill Ambassador, and to this day, she remains an Inspiration!

God did not make a mistake when He created you.

It is time to Pledge our Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor to fulfilling our Purpose & Passion.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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