Faithful in the Little Things

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“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in the little things; I will put you in charge of many things!” Matthew 25:21.

We were all given “Little Things” to start with like Gifts, Talents, Abilities, and Skills.

Have you been Faithful in those Little Things?

Are you Growing those Little Things by using them consistently?

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10

When we do not use what has been given to us to fulfill the Purpose & Passion we were created for, then we are living a dishonest life!

What does it mean to be Faithful in the Little Things for your job?

My first job was as a busboy at a Restaurant when I was 14 years old. Three weeks into the job, we had a big wedding reception in our banquet hall.

The last person left at about 2 am, including all the other workers, but the room was still a mess of dirty dishes, linens, tables, and chairs.

My supervisor and the other workers told me to go home. They said it was not their responsibility to stay later or do more.

I could not bring myself to do it because my Mom always taught us to finish the job.

It took me the next 4 hours to clean, mop, and put everything away.

When I came back to work the next night, they told me the owner wanted to see me right away.

I thought I was going to be fired since I did not listen to my supervisor.

John, the owner of the Restaurant, gave me a Raise!

This was one of the first lessons I experienced about being Faithful in the Little Things.

God honors Faithfulness! Start with what you have, no matter how small, and you will be promoted in due season.

The world is desperate for those who will Faithfully work without complaining, looking for ways to get over, or just going through the motions.

Learn to use what you have where you are because if you don’t, you will lose it!

The future is built on the little steps you take day by day, not just something that plops into your lap.

What people, talents, or gifts has God entrusted to you?

Moses was a Faithful sheepherder for 40 years after he was exiled from Pharaoh’s house.

He was diligent in the small things and was promoted to free the Hebrew people from the most powerful nation in the world.

David was also a sheepherder and the youngest of all his brothers. He did what no one else wanted to do because it was beneath them.

He worked for years protecting the sheep and even killed a Lion and bear.

David was promoted to Giant Killer and eventually King because he was Faithful in the Little Things.

There is POWER in doing the Little Things Faithfully.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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