It is up to ME!

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The quote by William H Johnsen should be our daily mantra:

                           “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

To be respected or trusted, we must first be accountable.

We MUST be responsible for every part of our lives.

There are NO EXCUSES & There is NO ONE to Blame!

                            “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

Responsibility for your life starts and ends with YOU. 

Fulfilling your Purpose and Passion is 100% YOUR Responsibility.

This is so much more than a way of thinking…It is a way of BEING!

                             “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

Are you Reliable? 

Can people count on you to do what you say you will do, as you said you would do it?

Does God, your Family, Work, Church, and your Community trust you to get the job done?

Will your Words, Actions, and Life bring Value to those you were created to serve?

                              “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

Accepting ownership for the Purpose and Passion you were created for is the first step towards success.

Everything starts with you.

You are the ONLY one responsible for the success of your life.

We must stop taking the easy way out by making excuses and blaming others for our lack of success in ANY area of our lives.

   “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

Every day your life is a blank canvas, and YOU can be Leonardo DaVinci!

Make your life a MASTERPIECE…You are the Mona Lisa!

You are the leader of your life…Be A GREAT LEADER.

To expect things to change on the outside, without changing things on the inside is insanity.

For things to change, YOU must change.

          “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!”

You have a new day today to stop being a Victim; by taking Responsibility for your life.

Take charge of your life, or life will take charge of YOU.

Your Finances, Health, Relationships, Diet, Joy, Happiness, Energy, and Attitude are ALL YOU.

          “If it is TO BE, it is up TO ME!” 

           Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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