A Job is an Ugly Divorce Waiting to Happen!

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Almost 40% of marriages end up getting divorced and over 70% of workers divorce their jobs!

The problem is NOT our spouses or our Bosses in most cases.

Our Attitude is the problem.

We are so focused on the LEAST important things in life that we miss the MOST important.

How do you describe and talk about your job to the people closest to you?

Do you count the hours and days to the weekend?

Are you looking forward to Retirement and romanticizing how great it will be?

When people hear you talk about your job, do they ask if your company is hiring because they see how

Happy you are?

Most Divorces happen because we are focused on what we don’t have instead of what we do have!

The reason YOU do not like your job is YOUR fault!

Yes, there are idiot bosses & companies, but most Divorces happen because of our Stinkin Thinkin.

My attitude changed about how I see my job in 1991 and it’s been the most amazing adventure!

I was 25 years old when the light came on and it changed EVERYTHING!

My life went from hating what I was doing to Loving what I was doing.

The job was the same and has been for the last 30 years BUT how I see and talk ABOUT IT changed.

I am less than 9 years away from when they say you should retire BUT would mean I have to leave

something I absolutely LOVE to do.

I believe our jobs/work are a Blessing not a curse. They are something we get to do not have to do.

You were created to work, and it is an integral part of your Purpose & Passion in life.

We cannot fulfill our Purpose or realize our Passion with the wrong attitude toward work.

Stop looking at what your job doesn’t have and start looking at what it does have.

I promise you this when your attitude changes about your job your whole life will transform.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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