Work Cancer

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1 out of every 6 deaths in the World or about 27,000 people per day die of Cancer.

Cancer is one of the largest health problems in the world.

I believe Work Cancer is more deadly than Lung Cancer, which is the deadliest of all Cancers.

Gallop says about 70% of Americans are unhappy doing what they are doing…Work!

According to this poll, 7 out of 10 will die of Work Cancer.

Their Purpose and Passion will die, but the body will go through the motions until they retire.

Do you want to know if you have Work Cancer?

Here is a list of a few of the most prevalent symptoms:

A history of showing up late and calling in sick.

Complaining, blaming, whining, excuses, and lying about work or your boss.

Working for Money instead of Meaning.

Doing just enough to keep your job.

Focusing on what’s bad instead of what is good.

Not accepting Responsibility for your Part of the Cancer Culture at work.

Little to No Energy, Excitement, or Excellence.

You have a negative attitude except for Friday afternoon when it’s time for the weekend!

No Opportunities, or Promotions, and no one is trying to hire you away.

Be honest, how many of these symptoms do you have?

Everyone has their bad days, but if even one of these is consistently manifesting in your life, YOU HAVE WORK CANCER!

There are 2 types of Work Cancer:

1.       Terminal – the Owner, CEO, and or General Manager are the ones causing the Cancer – this is the smallest percent of Work Cancer out there.

To Cure this type, you must find another place of Work. This is Surgery to Save the healthy.

I have been working for the past 40 years, and in that time I have worked for 3 of these types of people.

You have minimal life expectancy by staying in this environment.

You MUST LEAVE, or your Purpose & Passion will die of Cancer!

2.       Cancer Culture – this type is typically not terminal if you catch it in time. It represents about 90% of Cancer in the workplace. It is in the Body – the employees.

The Cure for Cancer Culture is…YOU!

You have the ability to turn the tide in your office or workplace.

Many who are diagnosed with Cancer will change their lifestyle.

They will start to eat right, exercise, manage stress, spend meaningful time with loved ones, and focus on becoming a better person.

These are natural ways to help fight Cancer in your body.

You fight Work Cancer in similar ways.

We must decide to change how we work and our attitude towards work.

Once you start coming to work with Energy & Excitement, people will begin to change how they see work.

This is a chain reaction of healthy cells fighting and consuming Cancer Cells!

YOU are the Cure for Work Cancer – You can save people’s Purpose & Passion.

Make a decision today to Love doing what you are doing… It’s Radiation to the cancer Cells!

Find Your Passion… Find Your Life!

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