Want to be Happy…Stop seeking Pleasure!

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When most of us are seeking to be happy, we are actually seeking pleasure!

We want to be Popular, Lose weight, get promoted, have more vacations, and buy the big house or new car, and so on.

These are ALL about us and ALL about Pleasure.

They will create a false sense of Happiness, but that will fade quickly.

Once the feeling of Pleasure diminishes, we focus on the next big fix just like any drug addict will do.

Happiness and Pleasure are NOT the same.

Pleasure can be connected with happiness but does not cause it.

I lost 70 pounds over the past 12 years, but it has not made me Happy.

There was a time that we were making more money in a month than we used to in a year, but that did not make me happy.

We have owned many businesses in the last 30 years, but none of them have made me Happy.

All of the things that I thought would make me Happy we have achieved, but the “High” from each of these wore off very quickly.

These things have all brought me Pleasure for a season.

Once the feeling of Pleasure wore off, I would be off pursuing MORE to try and capture the same “High.”


Seeking Pleasure is a false god and a decoy to distract you from living the life you were created for.

Research shows that people who focus their energy on pursuing materialistic and superficial pleasures end up more stressed, anxious, and emotionally unstable and less Happy.

Pleasure is the most superficial form of life satisfaction and, therefore, the easiest way to get “High.”

Happiness is a choice, NOT a feeling.

Do you want to figure out which one you are Seeking, Happiness or Pleasure?

It’s really simple.

Pleasure is ALL about me getting what I want.

Happiness is ALL about helping others get what they want.

Start Volunteering, focusing on what those around you need, giving a portion of your finances and time to others in need.

This is the Formula to the Greatest “High” you can achieve and your ticket to a life of Happiness!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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