Build Character or Become a Character

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You were created in the Image and likeness of God.

That means you were created as a Man or Woman of Character, NOT A Character!

Character refers to a set of moral and mental qualities and beliefs that are hidden from sight.

It has nothing to do with how you look or the color of your skin, bank account, education, or title.

All of these things are outward qualities that have no real substance or value without Character!

Building Character is a lot like building muscle. It takes consistent work using weights (Struggles) to produce something on the inside.

When a bodybuilder walks into a room, everyone knows because the outward is sculpted and ripped.

Those who are Character bodybuilders have spent the same amount of time on their inward body (Spirit and Soul).

They have the same sculpted and ripped body, but you see it in their words and actions.

They are just as unique as the bodybuilder, but they use struggles (Weights) to build their Character.

When we focus too much on the outside and not enough on the inside we Become a Character or the skinny guy on the beach who gets sand kicked in his face!

To Build Character, you must start working on these Muscles:

1.       Integrity: Be reliable — Do what you say you’ll do. Do the right thing even when no one is looking. Build a good reputation.  Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country.

(I call this the Shopping Cart Rule – do you put it back or leave it?)

2.       Golden Rule:  Treat others with respect and how you want them to treat you. Use good manners and be civil with those you disagree with. Learn to speak without cussing!

3.       Responsibility: Own your life. No More Excuses, Blaming, Whining, or Complaining. Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes.

4.       Empathy: Be compassionate and show you care. Express gratitude.  Forgive others and show mercy.  Help people in need. Be charitable.

5.       Investment: Do your share to make your home, church, & community better. Cooperate, don’t compete with others. Get involved & volunteer.

Work on your Character the same way a bodybuilder works on their body.

They are continually looking in the mirror for any weakness or flaw to fix.

We are to become obsessed with how our inner man/woman looks.

Those who spend their time focusing on the outward will only get one day to celebrate their lives: April Fools Day!

A Man/Woman of Character will get to celebrate every day.

Find your Passion…Find Your Life!

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