Bubble Wrapping

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Bubble Wrapping is for the Fragile and those seeking to be a Victim!

The last time we moved, we Bubble-Wrapped the china we bought in Europe.

It was the only way to protect something valuable and fragile that could not protect itself.

This works well for furniture, glass, china, and Babies, BUT doing this to your life only creates a Welfare Addiction.

A life of coddling and overprotecting fails to build the necessary skills, resilience, and character that will enable you to cope with the inevitable challenges of life.

This type of life creates a Victim-Mentality… A sense of helplessness in the face of difficulties.

It’s a life of fearfulness, a lack of confidence, and the experience of self-doubt.

Someone with victim-mentality believes that they can’t deal with life’s stresses and that other people or the government is far better equipped to deal with their problems than they themselves are.

The victim-mentality refuses to take responsibility for themselves.

They see others as the source of their difficulties and blame them for their problems.

The more this type of person tries to Bubble Wrap their lives, the more they expect others/government to solve their problems for them.

Do the problems you face cause you to become overwhelmed, or do you see them as an opportunity to get better?

When we try and Bubble Wrap our lives by removing adversity, we also remove any opportunity to succeed!

You are NOT a Zoo Animal – don’t let the Zookeepers feed and take care of you.

Failure prepares you for a successful and happy life.

Learn to fail a little every day, or your life will become a FAILURE!

You do this by taking calculated risks, learning to solve your problems, and coping with adversity and disappointment.

You were created to be a risk-taker, not a Welfare Addict.

This is the reason why I did not file bankruptcy 15 years ago when I failed in business.

We lost everything and had to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars. The people around me said to file for Bankruptcy, and I really wanted to do it so we could get through the adversity faster.

The problem is I knew if I did that, I would miss the greater opportunity to learn and grow.

The opportunity to develop skills, character, confidence, and resiliency! 

Life will NOT be easy or Fair.

Life is not for Wimps or those who try and get others to solve their problems for them.

Bubble Wrapping your life keeps you in a state of infancy and dependency.

 It makes you a slave to those who solve your problems for you.

Today is a good day to strip off the Bubble Wrapping and start living.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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