No Purpose = No Energy!

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Mental Energy is like Physical Energy–no one has an unlimited supply. So STOP Entertaining Energy Vampires!

Keeping and Protecting your Mental Energy is the ability of an individual to effectively deal with challenges, pressures, people and stressors to present their best performance regardless of the circumstances.

It will be Impossible to maintain your Energy Levels without having a Daily Purpose.

No Purpose = No Energy!

No Energy = No Life!

Energy Vampires are: Negative people, Drama Kings & Queens, Debating Politics or the Corona Pandemic, Complaining, Whining, TV, News, Social Media, Video games, and Excuses.

Once you are bitten, these Energy Vampires Create: Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Irritability, Feeling Overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused, and Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, Racing thoughts or constant worry, and bad decision making.

Purpose Driven people are great at withstanding the temptation of the Energy Vampires.

Waking up with a Purpose will help you to consistently keep doing what you have decided is most important.

Having a defined Daily Purpose will destroy your Energy Vampires the same way sunlight destroys a vampire!

Bethany Hamilton had her left arm bitten off by a shark when she was 13 years old.

She was back on her surfboard one month later!

Two years after that, she won first place in the Explorer Women’s Division of the NSSA National Championships.

Bethany could have used the tragedy as an excuse to quit, and no one would have questioned her.

She followed her Purpose and stayed the course. She did not allow what happened to become an Energy Vampire.

The times I was most productive, energized and successful were the times I was following hard after my Purpose.

Is your Purpose bigger than the Energy Vampires trying to tempt you with their promise of an easy life?

No Purpose = No Energy & No Energy = No Life!

                                       Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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