A Resolute Life

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Someone is Always getting Pushed around.

Life is Pushing you around, or you are Pushing life around!

A Resolute Life will always Push back against the bully of life.

A Resolute Life will practice delayed gratification.

A Resolute Life will take action in the face of fear.

A Resolute Life will get up, learn, and try again after each failure.

A Resolute Life will believe even when everyone else has left.

A Resolute Life is willing to take great risks to achieve great reward.

They often have to stand alone on their journey, following a deep resolve that they made the right decision.

Merriam Webster defines resolute as “Marked by a firm determination: resolved, bold, and steady.”

Res·o·lute – determined, resolved, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, unfaltering, persistent, tenacious, unrelenting, courageous.

Consistently doing what you need to do to succeed, with total focus and resolve, can be very difficult.

This is why you must understand your Passion…It is the Genesis of a Resolute Life!

Living without Passion is like a ship without a rudder. You are at the mercy of the winds.

When the winds change, so does the course of your life!

We live in a very windy City, and it’s amazing how often they will change direction.

There is no rhyme or reason for the change.

A life without Passion will have no Resolve and will be Pushed from one direction to another without mercy.

Resolve and determination help successful people work hard and stick to their long-term goals even though the winds of life are pressuring them to change.

A Resolute Life will fail, make mistakes, take detours, get distracted and depressed, miss opportunities, and cave to pressure at times.

The difference is they will NEVER quit!

The distance from where you are now and where you want to be is not a straight line. There are no short cuts or by way the crow flies.

Your journey, when complete, will look like some crazy maze a deranged scientist doodled on a piece of scrap paper.

The only way to complete that crazy maze journey is to live a Resolute Life…A life of Passion.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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