Fires that produce Smoke Suck!

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Sitting around a fire with friends at the beach or even your back yard is one of life’s simple pleasures.

The last time I sat around a fire, there was so much smoke we had to keep moving to stay out of its path.

It was like playing musical chairs in the back yard…Very annoying because the Smoke ruined the Fire!

Fires that produce Smoke Suck!

Smoke occurs when there is not enough oxygen to burn the fuel completely.

You need to burn the right fuel to achieve complete combustion so that you have a Smokeless Fire.

There is a Fire that also burns inside us (Passion), but too many people are in a state of incomplete combustion.

They are causing so much Smoke because of the Volatile Compounds they are trying to burn or another way to say it; they are burning the wrong fuel.

Passion was created to burn on only one type of fuel…Serving Others!

Smoke happens in our lives when we try and burn the wrong fuel…Money!

There is nothing wrong with wanting More Money, More Income, and More Wealth.

The problem happens when Money becomes More important than Serving Others.

When this happens, your life creates a LOT of Smoke.

Fires that produce Smoke Suck!

A life burning the wrong fuel produces lots of Smoke, and this creates:

Confusion & Disorientation – you become Smoke Blind and lose your way.

Pollutes the air – Complaining, Blaming, Whining, Gossip, Drama, and Rationalizations are ALL Smoke Screens.

Damage to others – Leaves Fire Stains and Smells that are hard to remove from one’s life.

We control what we burn.

Is your life creating Smoke? If so, check what you’re trying to burn.

Serving and focusing on others is the only Fuel that Passion can consume.

Once we get that priority right, all the other things we want in life will start to follow us.

This is a Smokeless Life…One consumed by Fire!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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