A Victim of Fear & Idleness!

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Your Why is the greatest key you have to not become a victim of Fear & Idleness!

The majority of people do not know their Why and therefore will celebrate any reason to quit.

How about you? Do you know what your Passion (Why) is?

This is a great time to answer that question. Most people are being forced to work at home.

It will be really easy to see who has allowed Fear & Idleness to consume them.

They will start off by talking a great story of how they will use this extra time to catch up on their dreams, goals, and aspirations.

The list of things they talk about wanting to work on includes: exercise program, waking up early, eating the right foods, going to bed early, turning off the TV and social media, reading more, helping a neighbor, getting organized, and starting a gratitude journal for just a few.

These grand plans & eloquent speeches we give ourselves and others are about the only things we actually do!

Most of the action steps end within two days to a max two weeks.

When we do NOT have a Strong WHY, we will become a victim of Fear & Idleness.

One of my mentors would always tell me: “Ed, stop telling me what you’re going to do and tell me what you are DOING”!

Taking action is one of the greatest weapons you have to defeat the Serial Killers of Fear & Idleness!

Small, consistent action is enough to overcome any obstacle you face – Including Finding your WHY!

The worst possible thing you can do during your time at home as we face this Pandemic is to get off your normal routine and watch the news.

We have a GREAT opportunity that’s been given to us by forcing us to stay home.

How are you going to use the time?

Will you use the current state of Fear to become Idle and quit, or will you be one of the few who gets better?

I encourage you to get up every day as if you are going to work, dress professionally, and stick to your regular work schedule.

If you do not have the same volume of work because you are at home, then use that time to GROW.

The key is to stop talking about what you are going to do and do it.

Stop watching the news and listening to Fear Pushers – Don’t take their drugs!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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