Your Boss is NOT the Problem!

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We don’t have a bad boss problem.

We have a bad attitude problem!

Your Boss is NOT the reason you are not succeeding…YOU ARE.

Yes I understand we have some really terrible managers, Bosses and Leaders.  I also understand it is much easier to be a bad boss than a good one because to be bad you don’t have to do anything!

The reason we believe our Bad Boss is the reason for all our misery, lack of finances, discontentment and frustration is it’s EASY to Blame them.

It takes no effort on our part to change the situation because we have, what we believe to be, a legitimate excuse.

First you must understand there are NO EXCUSES to work at a job you decided to hate for years on end being miserable.

No One can MAKE you be unhappy, miserable or unsuccessful UNLESS YOU give them permission to do so!

Too many times we are making our bosses and managers our CRUTCH. This gets me attention, sympathy and absolves me of ALL responsibility for my dreams, goals and aspirations.

Jenny (Name changed to protect the guilty) was the worst boss I’ve ever had in the last 40 years of working for someone. In that span of time I’ve had some really good to really bad bosses but Jenny by far was the worst.

She lied to her staff, threw us under the bus, created an atmosphere of fear and distrust, stole clients for other sales people and got people fired who she thought stood in her way.

This was a very difficult time working in a business that I loved but even as bad of a boss as she was that did not give me the right to mentally quit or make excuses for not working as hard as my clients deserved.

I was not going to work every day to please my Boss, no matter how good or bad they are.

I go to work every day to serve my PASSION…PEOPLE.

Those People are my customers, clients, and coworkers.

The Boss was Bad BUT the PEOPLE deserved my Best NOT my EXCUSES!

You Deserve Your Best and the PEOPLE you serve also do.

No matter how good, bad or ugly your Boss is does NOT change the fact that Your TRUE calling is to Serve the PEOPLE.

Stop using the bad bosses as an Excuse to quit on your Passion.

Focus on those you are here to help and NOT how bad the Jenny’s of the world are.

Bad Bosses will come and go but your Attitude is yours forever, so Make it COUNT.

Your Boss will either become your Crutch or your motivation to serve your CAUSE!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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