The Sirens are calling you

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In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous creatures who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing.

The sailors would be so DISTRACTED; they would often crash their ships and boats on rocky coastlines.

The Sirens are Calling YOU today!

They offer Delicious Temptations, Sweet Security, and Copious amounts of Comfort.

A Siren’s goal is always to shipwreck you. They want to DISTRACT you and get you off course.

Sailors set a course based on where they want to go and then sail that direction using the wind, currents, stars, rudder, compass, and sails.

The ship’s Captain will pick a team based on the seas the boat must travel and the destination they are targeting.

You are the Captain of your Ship, and it is your responsibility to pick your team wisely, set a course for the goals you want to target, find qualified mentors and above all else know WHY!

In Homer’s Odyssey, the hero Odysseus, on his long voyage home following the Trojan War, successfully escapes their enchanting call of the Sirens.

He does NOT get Distracted from his course because he created a plan to protect himself, the Ship, Sailors, and his Goal from getting off course due to Temptations.

Odysseus put wax in his men’s ears so that they could not hear, and had them tie him to the mast so that he could not jump into the sea.

He ordered them not to change course under any circumstances, and to keep their swords upon him and to attack him if he should break free of his bonds.

Odysseus knew there would be challenges and set up a strategy to protect himself from himself!

Your life’s Cause (Purpose & Passion) will face The Call of The Sirens.

They want you shipwrecked! To be lost on some distant shore far from help and rescue.

Today’s Sirens come in many forms: well-meaning Family & Friends, cell phones, games, TV, gossip, entitlement, hobbies, security and comfort are only a few of the Distractions you will face.

The secret to Odeyssu’s success was his Why.

It was not enough for him to know where he wanted to go; he also had to have a very strong WHY he wanted to go there.

Once your Why is strong enough, you will look for ways to protect YOU from YOU!

There are certain types of Sirens in my life that have shipwrecked me a number of times. That is why I have Mentors and had picked people for certain journeys to tie me to the mast, draw their swords, and fight me if necessary to keep me from jumping overboard.

The Sirens are Calling YOU today.

Is your WHY strong enough?

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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