Edit Your Horror Problems

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There are many times in the TV & Radio business we have to “Edit” a commercial. That means we go back in and make changes so that the finished product resonates with an audience.

Sometimes those Edits are to fix a mistake, or it could be to change something that is causing people who see/hear the commercial to come away with a negative impression or feeling.

Making positive changes to a commercial can be the difference between success and failure for a business. Commercials can create a good or bad perception or reputation for a business.

We can do the same type of Editing with our Past Horror problems, failures, mistakes, or curveballs that life dealt us.

Everything that happens to us can help us to become Better or Bitter!

We decide how we are going to Frame and then Edit each of life’s negative events.

Too many times, we allow a past failure to continue to harm us even years later because we never went back into the Production room and Edited the Failure.

The biggest financial Failure we’ve ever experienced came from a failed business. We lost everything, including our home, retirement, and three other businesses.

For the first nine months after this epic failure in my life, I became bitter. I kept replaying the same event over and over in my mind until my life turned into a Horror film!

We are the directors of our lives, so if you do not like a past event, then go in and EDIT the scene just like a movie producer would do.

What type of Life do you want to have: Horror, Drama, Comedy, Adventure, or a Tear-Jerker?

You decide how the script is written, and if it doesn’t get you the desired results, then all you have to do is rewrite the scenes that are giving you problems.

Once I figured out that my life didn’t end when my business failed, I went in and did a Major Scene Edit.

We cannot change what happened to us, BUT we can change how we will REACT to and USE what happened to us.

I changed how I looked at the Failure and decided it was one of the BEST things that ever happened!

My life is SO MUCH better now, after the Epic Failure, than it was before the Failure!

There is no way I want to lose that much money again BUT I also would not change what happened.

I now see that past failure as a great success!  What was meant for evil has been used for good!

What are some past failures, hurts, rejections, or mistakes that are still causing you harm?

Decide TODAY to Edit how you view them and turn them into something positive.

Let’s produce Adventure Movies and not Horror Flicks for our lives!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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