Cause or Applause?

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“If you want Applause, then work for the Circus.”

This quote was from the movie Argo, which I watched this past weekend.

It’s a scene from the end of the movie where Ben Affleck, the lead actor, was told he would receive the highest civilian award for his successful mission.

The problem is the award would be immediately taken back, and the whole ceremony MUST be a complete secret.

He could not invite his wife and kids to be a part of one of the highest honors of his career nor ever talk about it!

Why are you doing what you’re doing?

Is it for Applause: Position, Promotion, Prosperity, Power, or Popularity?

All of these types of Applauses are GREAT…Unless they are the lead dog on Why you do what you do!

I love all of those P-Words and frankly would like to have more of each one!

There is nothing wrong with having any of them or desiring to have more of them.

We get into trouble when they become the REASON we do what we do.

When Applause becomes our compass, we will ALWAYS end up in the wrong place.

Cause MUST be the Master of Applause!

Your True Cause, once realized, will ignite a Fire deep down on the inside of you, and at some point, it will Consume and Ruin you (These are Very GOOD Things)!

George Washington started out like most of us…Pursuing Applause. He was very ambitious as a young man in his pursuit to gain fame and rank on the battlefield.

Some of his early decisions were so warped by his desire for Power and Position that it ended in embarrassment and surrender.

At some point, he traded his desire for Applause in for a Great Cause.

Look at his life after the time that he became consumed with the Cause of Freedom, and you will see a magnificent example of the Power of Cause.

He was able to win an IMPOSSIBLE to win war with hardly any recourse, soldiers, money, food, or weapons.

I don’t believe that those victories were even close to his greatest accomplishment!

Once the war was over, he handed over ALL of the Power, Position, Popularity, Promotion, Prosperity and Prestige to Congress.

The overwhelming majority of times in history, we see the Victor take over as the King or Dictator.

The Applause is So intoxicating that unless you have a Powerful Cause, you will surrender your will to its call!

Washington could have had ALL that he so desperately desired as a young man, and NO ONE would have stopped him or complained about it.

His Cause was Master of Applause!

Why are you doing the work, career, or business you are doing?

Are you working for a Cause or Applause?

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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