Red Pill or Blue Pill

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According to Gallop polling, 70% of the population is unhappy doing what they are doing. These people have created a Beautiful Prison!

In the 1999 movie The Matrix, Morpheus offers Neo the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill represents an uncertain future but it would free him from being a slave to the control of the machine-generated world. 

The blue pill represents a Beautiful Prison. It would lead him back to ignorance, living in confined comfort and security.

Neo chooses the red pill.

Today, if you have not already done so, I am hoping to convince you to take the Red Pill because 70% of our population is still living in a self-made Prison.

For 8 years of my life, I lived in a Beautiful Prison… I chose the Blue Pill.

I thought my first career out of High School was my true calling. I joined the Military because I loved the idea of what it stands for and still do.

Every day of those eight years was a challenge for me.

I was frustrated, discontent, unfulfilled, depressed, and unmotivated. This was supposed to be my dream job but every day I had to force myself out of bed to go to work.

My life was consumed with getting to the weekend to spend it drinking so I could numb the void on the inside of me.

You would think that I would have gotten out after my first four years since I was so frustrated.  I was too afraid to leave my current security and comfort.

In my mind, it was easier to stay in the prison I created than to face the unknown of following my Passion. I chose the Blue Pill for 8 years because it was easier to rationalize my life away than to face my dreams.

The best and scariest decision I made was to leave the Military and pursue my dream of becoming an Entrepreneur.  I finally chose the Red Pill!

The first two years of this new life were incredibly hard, and every day seemed to be filled with terror over where we would get the money to survive.

Looking back, those two years have become the fertilizer of a current life that I would NEVER change.

You MUST be able to answer this question correctly: Why are you doing what you are doing?

If what you are doing is about comfort, security, avoiding fear, playing it safe, or because it allows you to remain in a Beautiful Prison, then you have chosen the Blue Pill.

There is NO future for you to live this way. You are trading your Destiny for trinkets!

Take the Red Pill, and let’s see how far down the rabbit hole we can go.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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