Opportunities come disguised as Hard Times

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We misdiagnose Opportunities, and that’s why we miss them!

Most Opportunities come disguised as Hard Times, Challenges, and Struggles. Instead of digging deeper, to gather more information so that we have a clear picture we Misdiagnose the Opportunity.

12 Million People per year are misdiagnosed by a medical Professional. Most of these cases are human error caused by too little information, and up to 60% of misdiagnosis leads to Malpractice!

Have you been misdiagnosing the Opportunities that have come your way because you assumed they were Hard Times?

Most of the time, an Opportunity misdiagnosis leads to some kind of harm to your: Attitude, Peace of Mind, Relationships, Finances, Time, Energy, and Reputation.

You are committing Opportunity Malpractice!

When someone commits Malpractice in the medical world they get sued, lose their job, credibility, Reputation and possibly go to jail!

What have you lost over the years by not seeing the Opportunity in the Hard Time?

Hard Times are Opportunities cleverly disguised as Challenges!

That’s why most of the time, we see them as something that we must avoid or get through as fast as possible.

Opportunities that look like challenges have a special purpose.  They have a reason to exist, and they hold a treasure within. Challenges have the power to change us because they Force us to live in a place where we cannot touch bottom!

The rule of the game is that every challenge that you are presented with contains an opportunity in disguise.

Every challenge provides at least two types of opportunities:

1.        The Opportunity for personal growth – this is worth its weight in Gold because it changes your Attitude! Once you change your Attitude, you become better at Diagnosing Opportunities.

2.       The Opportunity for Relational, Financial, and Physical gain. These extra benefits happen as you clearly see the Challenge for what it is…Opportunity!

Your Opportunity for Today: Stop committing Malpractice on your Life! Understand that what happens to us might look and feel like a Hard Time, but Opportunity is hiding somewhere in the middle of the Challenge.

Those that can properly Diagnose the Hard Times will learn to leverage them into something beyond anything they could have dreamed!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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