The Great Equalizer

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“It’s not about money or connections. It’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.” Mark Cuban

No hacks. No shortcuts. No Excuses. No Whining. No Victim Mentality. No Entitlement.

You may not be smarter than everyone else. You may not be as talented. You may not have the same great connections, the same great environment, or the same great education. You may have been born into poverty.

YOU may not have anything that other people have, BUT YOU can always, always, always work harder than everyone else.

Hard work is The Great Equalizer!

Once you make the decision to OutWork Everyone, YOU are on your way to success, even if you started way behind everyone else.

Outworking others is the ONLY thing you can control. This doesn’t always mean putting in more hours than others. It means Out Producing others, which is a combination of Working Harder and Smarter!

There will ALWAYS be smarter, more talented, and gifted people. Get over it and start Outworking them!

Those that have the attitude that they will OutWork Everyone are already light years ahead of those relying on talent, connections, and money.

Early in my sales career, I had two favorite Crutches (Lame Excuses) that kept me poor and weak:

1.       I did not have any college education, and barely passed high school, so therefore I could never produce more than those with a degree. “I wasn’t smart enough to succeed.”

2.       My first sales job was with the smallest and least known Radio group, so therefore we did not have the recourses, presentation, or opportunities as the big national groups. “I didn’t have enough to succeed.”

I used these two lame excuses for almost 2 years. They became my mantra, and I convinced myself that there was no way to be successful since I did not have what others had.

I was an IDIOT and a COWARD!

No matter how much others have, it is NOTHING compared to having the attitude of I will OutWork You!

What are your favorite excuses that you are using to lie to yourself?

Get up today and OutWork your: Genetics, Past, Education, Finances, Job, Doubters, and your own limiting Lame Excuses!

YOU have the world right where you want it, now get up and OutWork them!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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