Take Responsibility or live in Captivity!

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To Take Responsibility for one’s family, thoughts, health, and finances is the low hanging fruit of your life.

This is totally expected of us and is the absolute MINIMUM required from anyone walking the planet.

You and I are also Responsible for:

Our jobs, not just our Paycheck – if the company you work for is not succeeding to the extent it should, then we must Take Responsibility for its shortcomings.

Our Neighborhoods, not just our Homes – If the street we live on is not as safe, clean, or   presentable as it should be then we must Take Responsibility for its failures.

Our Churches, not just my needs – if the church you attend is struggling then we must Take     Responsibility too for making it better.

Our Communities, not just our Family – if the City/Community we live in is not what we hoped it would be, then we must Take Responsibility for helping it to transform.

Most people might argue these points above, saying we do not have control or authority to affect change; therefore, we cannot be held responsible or accountable for the results.

This type of thinking is what leads us into Captivity and is the NUMBER ONE reason things never change!

When you and I do not Take Responsibility for the things that are bigger than our families, then who will?

We are ALL Responsible for doing our part, and your part is just one small part of the process.

The reason our Jobs, Neighborhoods, Churches, and Communities are failing is because Good people are sitting on the sidelines blaming those who are in the game.

Blaming and Excuses are a SURE sign that we have not accepted Responsibility and are living in Captivity!

Once we decide we are NOT responsible for something, we are taken Captive and have no power to affect change.

At this point, your only contribution is to sit on the sideline and BOO those who are on the field of life trying to win the game.

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”       Sigmund Freud

Take a small step today by accepting Responsibility for those things that are bigger than you and Family.

Get involved in the game…Your Team needs you on the field, not the stands!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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