If You Can Take it You Can Make it!

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This is a quote from the movie “Unbroken” that features the true story of Louis Zamperini. He was a WWII Hero who survived the unimaginable!

Shot down, afloat in a raft for 47 days, no food or water, facing storms, starvation, and sharks. He was Taken prisoner by the Japanese, living in hellish conditions in a POW camp and beaten by a sadistic commander.

Louis survived the camp and in time forgave his tormentors to live a long life. His strength came from his attitude that If he could Take it, He Could Make It!

Mr. Zamperini was Unbroken because life, starvation, and torture could not break his will.

Will is a choice. A strong Will demands a strong why. 

Attitude is the last of the human freedoms; DON’T LET ANYONE TAKE YOURS AWAY!

Can you take what life is throwing your way?

Most of us will complain and at some point quit as we are faced with a hard life test.

Can you take: Overwhelming Rejection, Failing more than most will ever try, Being alone during your darkest hour, Peer pressure from those on the sideline of life, The embarrassment of epic failures, Losing money, lukewarm friends and your ego at times during the struggle, asking for help or having to start over after losing everything?

If YOU can Take it YOU CAN MAKE IT!

I believe with every fiber of my being that we can TAKE a whole lot more than we can imagine.

I know this to be true for two reasons.

1.       We have such great examples of people overcoming insurmountable odds like the Louis Zamperini’s of the world.

2.       You and I were created in the Image of God, and HE does not create JUNK!

Your Will is Stronger than your current test. Exercise your Will today and force it upon your circumstances consistently day in and day out.

Once you understand who you are (Purpose) and Why you are (Passion), you will be able to Take any test life throws your way.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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