Audit Your Circle

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My restaurant was failing and I was out of ideas on how to change it. That’s when a friend recommended I bring in a Consultant to do an evaluation of the business.

Her biggest recommendation was to do an Audit of the Menu. This consultant said we needed to delete at least 20% of the menu items. These food selections were costing us time, money, and too much was going to waste.

I remember the push back some of our customers voiced over this change but the results were instantaneous!

The consultant told us to do an audit of our menu and business each year since things change so quickly in a business life cycle.

I will tell you to do the same thing in your life…Audit Your Circle.

You have many friendships on your Life’s Menu and some of them are costing you time, energy, recourses, and money.

Having been reminded of the incredible influence that our choice of friends has on the outcome of our lives, it is only wise for us to take the time to evaluate the nature and quality of our friendships on a regular basis. This sort of evaluation is what a ‘Friendship Audit’ entails.

                          ”You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

                                                                       JIM ROHN

Auditing your friendships is not about making a list of people to cut off completely in your life. Neither is it a mission to go on a bridge-burning campaign. Auditing your friendships is simply prioritizing the relationships in your life to what is best for you and them.

The best way I have found to do an Audit is to write out each person’s name and description, like a menu at a restaurant, and then have one of your Mentors help you to prioritize them.

When our restaurant consultant picked the 10 items to discontinue on the menu I fought her on it at first.

I was emotionally attached to ALL of the names on the menu and could not see how they had become an anchor to the business!

Once I saw on paper how much these items were actually costing our business, it was a much easier decision to make.

This is why YOU will need a Mentor who cares more about your FUTURE than Your FEELINGS, to help you see the value of each friendship.

Your Purpose on this Earth does not include making everyone happy and pleasing all the people in your life.

Take some time this week to do an Audit of Your Circle. You will be surprised at how much time and energy this will save you.

     Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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