The Pyromaniac

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In the Physical Realm, the Firefighter is the good guy, and the Arsonist & Pyromaniac are downright scary.

We could label them: The Good (Firefighter), The Bad (Arsonist) & The Ugly (Pyromaniac).

The Realm of our Spirit and Soul operate different than the Physical Realm, and what might be Good in one could be Bad in the other.

Firefighters are essential when it comes to putting out Physical fires and making sure we keep our homes, schools, and businesses safe from fire.

The problem is when it comes to the Fire in our Soul (Passion), Firefighters are the Enemy!

There is a huge difference between a Fire that rages on the inside of you and one that destroys the outside world.

Passion is the Fire deep down on the inside that each of us has, and each of us is responsible for growing and spreading.

When it comes to Passion you want to be the Pyromaniac!

Here are the three roles you will see people play out, especially at work:

1.       The Firefighter – They are on call 24/7 to aggressively put out any dream, goal, or aspiration. They love to rain on any Fire Parade because if you catch fire and fall in love doing what you are doing it makes them miserable. All Firefighters Hate Fire! They will do everything in their power to keep you lukewarm by throwing water on any excitement you have for your job.

2.       The Arsonist – A true Arsonist gets paid to start fires. They don’t love fire, but they love money. These people at work are hard to see at first because they will say all the right things and for short periods of time will do the work. The difference is they ONLY do what they are doing for Money. Arsonists last as long as the money does but the minute things get rough they will complain, blame, and eventually quit.

3.       The Pyromaniac – These rare souls LOVE STARTING FIRES!  They do not have a job, and they don’t consider what they are doing as work. The Pyromaniac does what they do because they LOVE what they are doing. The paycheck is secondary to the Cause, and the Cause is to set as many Souls on Fire as possible!

 If we went to your job today and asked all of your peers, clients, and bosses, what group would they put you in?

John Wesley was a 17th Century Theologian and is credited with saying this:

          “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.”

Today you will decide to be The Good (Pyromaniac), The Bad (Arsonist) or The Ugly (Firefighter).

         Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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