The Drama Addiction

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I love Drama!

In fact I love it so much that I allowed it to ruin me financially.

My name is Ed Carcarey, and I’m a recovering Drama King! I would love to tell you that Drama is gone from my life, but that would be a lie.

Life is Drama, but it doesn’t have to be a Soap Opera Drama Life!

Have you noticed how much fun it is hearing the latest gossip or drama stories and lapping it up like a dog who returns to his vomit?

Chances are, like me, you’re bored or dissatisfied with your life at the moment, and need that little bit of juicy tidbit to add some sparkle to your life.

We’ll often create distractions/dramas to block out what we’re really feeling or don’t want to take a look at or deal with in our lives.

In my case, I get bored too easily, so I create drama to recreate the feelings I had when first starting a business.

We will all find ways to create Drama in our lives, and it’s always to cover up an area in our lives we don’t want to deal with yet.

Drama is an addiction, and like any addiction its power comes from the idea of the quick/easy fix!

The reality is that in life, drama will always be there waiting for you. You can’t escape it, but you can choose not to let it consume or control you.

Here are a few simple things you can practice if you find yourself Addicted to Drama:

1.       Stop sharing so much of your life. Social Media has made it so easy to spread and push the Addiction of Drama. Oversharing is throwing gas on an already consuming fire!

2.       Mind Your Own Business. Stop sticking your nose in areas you don’t belong. Work on your life and stop paying attention and giving time to what others are doing. WALK AWAY!

3.       Don’t Over Analyze. Accept the text, email, or conversation at face value and MOVE ON! If you spend time looking for the “Hidden Message” YOU WILL FIND ONE.

BONUS: Follow Your Passion, and you will not have the time or energy to get involved with most of the Drama that surrounds us every day.

Create a better story around the events that happened in your life. When you let go of allowing your circumstances to dictate your outcome, you will be in control of your destiny.

                  Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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