Where is YOUR Treasure?

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Show me your checkbook and calendar, and I will show YOU where your Treasure is and your Future!

Treasure is where the Heart is. That simply means whatever YOU focus on and think about the most is where your Treasure is.

Treasures don’t have to be about money. It can be a position, owning possessions, having power, being popular, getting a promotion, or watching pornography.

Possessions can be owned, but owners can be possessed…by their wealth or lusts. What we end up owning, may end up owning us.

Chasing Treasure can be Liberating and Fulfilling! The key is Chasing the Right Treasure.

We are ALL chasing some form of Treasure. What are you chasing?

Having money, getting a promotion, and having better things in life are not the problem…they can ALL be good things.

The problem comes when those “Temporal Treasuries” become your priority and consume you.

They can only lead you to one outcome…Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Relational Bankruptcy!

Your heart is your GPS for life. Just like the one you have in your car, it can tell you where and when to turn to get to your destination.

To get to the right Destination/Treasure, YOU must input the address into your GPS.

This is done by focusing on what is True Treasure.

The first ten years of my adulthood was spent chasing money and possessions. No matter how much I made or possessed, it never seemed like it was enough, and every day ended empty and frustrated.

The minute I programmed my GPS (Heart) with a different destination (Treasure), my life changed.

I started to focus on things that were bigger than my paycheck and bank account.

I started to Chase a different treasure. One that did NOT have me as the center of the universe!

If your life seems empty, discontent, and frustrated, then check the destination, YOU programmed into your GPS (Heart).

It’s easy to change the address and let your Heart Recalculate True Treasure.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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