Adult Nursery

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One of the first jobs my wife and I had in Church was Nursery. I would love to tell you that it was easy and wonderful, but that would be a lie!

Working Nursery with 5 to 10 infants was crazy. We were new parents and were having a hard enough time trying to decipher the needs of one cranky baby, let alone a small herd.

No matter how hard you tried, there was rarely a time when all the babies would be sleeping or playing quietly.

As a first-time parent, I learned a valuable lesson…I loved my child – it was everyone else’s children that were a little sketchy!

I was very relieved when the Church asked us to work in a different area and assumed that would be the last of my having to work with Babies.

The same time our responsibility was ending with Nursery we were starting our first business.

This was one of the most exciting times of our lives and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream of being an Entrepreneur.

This dream soon became a nightmare as I realized that running a business was very similar to working in the Nursery.

Now it was Adult Nursery or what some people call a Job!

I was blown away by how many people acted just like the infants did in the Church Nursery.

They would whine and complain about everything (Crying for a bottle or Binky).

Some did NOT play well with others (That’s MINE or would just take it from another baby).

Others loved drama (Temper Tantrums).

Some employees just love to make a mess that others are forced to clean up (Dirty Diapers & Toys left everywhere).

A few love to gossip and stir things up (The reason parents Baby Proof Cabinets and their homes).

Having Adult Nursery at work has caused the American Economy to loose over 400 Billion per year in lost revenue. It will also destroy a Companies Culture and drive away the people who love doing what they are doing!

The solution for those who find themselves acting like infants at work is to accept responsibility for your life and finances…Become a Producing, Mature Adult.

Life is SO much more fun when you decide to grow up and treat your job like a blessing and not a curse.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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