Complaining is Cancer of the Attitude

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The AVERAGE person complains between 15-30 times each day but let’s face it we all know there are people out there who are Super Heroes at Complaining!

We all Complain, but for some, it is their full-time job!

Complaining usually happens after a negative situation has occurred:

Traffic was worse than expected.

The movie was disappointing.

The sales clerk was rude.

The city council should never have approved that new development.

Studies have shown people’s moods before and after hearing a complaint. As predicted, listening to gripes made people feel worse. What’s more, the complainer also felt worse!

Life neither entitles nor promises you anything.  You will NOT find happiness dwelling on all you do not have.  You WILL find happiness by dwelling on all that is good in your life and being thankful for it.

The habit of complaining is the number One enemy of a spirit of thankfulness and happiness in the home or work.  One person’s whining or bad mood can quickly spread to others.

Think and talk about what you want, NOT what you have. It is the unmet expectations that are driving us crazy and affecting our health, attitude, relationships, and peace of mind.

When you complain, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol.  All the extra cortisol released by frequent complaining impairs your immune system and makes you more susceptible to high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It even makes the brain more vulnerable to strokes.

The worst part of Complaining is it puts ALL the responsibility on others to try and make YOU happy.

This will NEVER happen…ONLY you can make you happy.

Here is your prescription to Cure yourself of Complaining…The cancer of Your Attitude:

1.       Take Action – your complaints are clues to your Purpose. Get involved in solving the problem.

2.       Surround yourself with Positive People. Complaining is Contagious – get away from them.

3.       Write down three things you are grateful for EVERYDAY before you go to sleep.

Take these three pills daily to cure your life of Chronic Complaining…Cancer of the Attitude!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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