We’re Burning Daylight

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John Wayne’s movie The Cowboys was the first time I ever heard this expression, “We’re Burning Daylight”!

This was also the first time that I watched the Duke (John Wayne) die in a movie. That scene in the movie where the young Cowboys bury him still bothers me to this day!

I used to tell my boys this quote all the time. When it was time to wake them up, go to school, get their chores done, do their homework, or get them off their video games.

They did not enjoy this saying nearly as much as I did!

You and I have the same amount of time every day to get the job done. We have the same amount of time as the wealthiest most successful men and women in the world.

The difference is successful people don’t Burn their Daylight! They get the job done from start to finish.

Since we only have a finite time to work each day, it is CRITICAL to use that time by taking Massive Amounts of ACTION.

Here is the simplest way I can put it: Jump out of bed early, Run don’t walk to Work/Business, Sit down, SHUT your mouth, turn off all electronic distractions and attack your work like your life depends on it!

You do this and practice this every day you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish, and one of the greatest miracles will happen…YOU will fall in Love with what you do!

Action is the greatest anti-depressant in the world. No matter how lazy, unmotivated, frustrated, and discontent you are currently, by taking massive action, you will set yourself Free.

Burning Daylight is for people who want to huddle around the coffee pot making excuses and blaming everyone but themselves for their life of failure.

Talk is a crutch for the undisciplined soul who is looking for the easy way out.

Action is for the fighters who understand that what we want is on the other side of our fear.

Fight the urge to be distracted today. Stop Burning Daylight and get into the Game of Life.

       Find Your Passion… Find Your Life

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