The No Win Scenario

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The Kobayashi Maru is a training exercise in the Star Trek Series designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy Cadets in a No-Win Scenario.

James T Kirk, the Captain and Star of the Series, took the test 3 times trying to win. The last time he reprogrammed the system so he could win and was given an award for “Original Thinking.”

One of Captain Kirk’s most famous lines was “I Don’t Believe in a No Win Scenario”!

As a kid growing up on Star Trek, I loved the Captains resolve, character, and never quit mentality.

How about you… Do you believe there are No Win Scenarios in life?

I believe with every fiber of my being that the ONLY No Win Scenario there is comes from us giving up. We become overwhelmed at the insurmountable odds we face and lose hope.

The ONLY No Win Scenario that can happen is the one we surrender to.

Even if you lose in one of these Scenario’s you have to face in life, YOU still win as long as you learn from it!

The Restaurant we owned became one of our No Win Scenarios. We lost everything we had and still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The first nine months after we lost everything it looked and felt like a No Win Scenario. We were on the brink of being homeless, creditors calling day and night, and some of them suing us to get their money.

That all changed the minute we started to learn from our failure. Now that this episode has been over for 12 years I can honestly say it was one of the greatest growth experiences of our lives.

The ashes of this failure became the fertilizer of our future!

We will ALL face the Kobayashi Maru…How you see the No Win Scenarios of your life will dictate how you respond.

You will either Surrender to the pressure or figure out a way to win.

Be the Captain of your life and lead yourself to victory!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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