Tools or Toys

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The salesman was trying to sell me a new phone, and he spent time telling me how much fun it would be and all the games that were available. I had to stop and tell him I needed a Tool not a Toy!

I wanted a phone to help me reach my goals, become more efficient, get better results and to save time. Each day I receive 100 to 200 emails for work, and I need to be able to respond rapidly.

Talking about games, access to social media platforms and having unlimited access to apps sounded like a great way to stay broke!

Technology can be one of our greatest assets if you choose or it will become your Pimp and addict your mind to entertainment and distractions.

You will decide today to pursue success or failure, and the key is hidden in how you use the assets you have. Are they Tools or Toys?

Success and Failure are NOT accidents. We don’t arrive at either of these locations randomly. Both take a lot of time, effort, and planning.

Your cell phone was created to be a tool to help you achieve greater results. Unfortunately, like all things that start out good, the phone has become the number ONE distraction to your Destiney.

Most of us have become so addicted and obsessed with our phones that we can no longer walk, drive, go to the bathroom, or work without it.

We have become Pavlov’s Dog. Every time our phones ring, beep, ding or vibrate we stop what we are doing and react. This is the greatest way to Fail at your goals, dreams, and destiny.

There is nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying all the platforms your phone has UNLESS you cannot control it.

Try this at work today: For the first 2 hours DO NOT LOOK at your phone or any social media platform. Turn it to silence and devote yourself to taking massive action.

You will be SHOCKED at how much you can achieve when you are not distracted and your mind doped with entertainment!

Tools create Progress and Toys become Pimps!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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