Prime The Pump

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Imagine being lost without water in the desert, wandering around aimlessly, slowly dying of thirst, hoping to be saved. You come upon a water pump that has a full bucket of water with a note on it.

The note says: You can drink this water and delay dying by a couple of days or use all the water to Prime the Pump and live with more water than you will ever need.

It’s easy for you and me to say we would use the water to Prime the Pump since we are not dying a slow painful death of thirst.

Now imagine you are one of the 70% of Americans who are unhappy doing what they are doing at work.

You are aimlessly wandering around your job chasing a mirage, dying a slow painful death of lack of water (Inspiration).

You have two choices: use the last bucket of water (inspiration) on yourself or take that Inspiration and Prime the Pump by giving it to someone else in need.

Most Americans are consuming the last ounce of Inspiration on themselves every day of their lives at work. I call this Chasing a Mirage!

They believe that someone or something will come along and give them the needed Promotion, Raise, once in a lifetime job offer, or will do their work for them.

This mentality is a Mirage! You will never make it through the desert chasing a Mirage.

Inspiration is water for our Soul, and it is just as important as the H2O our bodies need to survive!

The trouble is we are consuming what little we have on ourselves.  This will only lead to a slow frustrating, Painful and bitter life.

Chasing a Mirage is all about me. It becomes my all-consuming focus, and that’s what leads us to being unfulfilled and unhappy about what we are doing.

Priming the Pump will take a huge step of Faith. It demands that you GIVE what you desperately need and have been searching for. When you do, you will end up with MORE than you thought possible!

Stop chasing the Mirage and start Priming the Pump by giving Inspiration to others in need.

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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