Life Balance

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The majority of people are trying to find Life Balance, and they have as much chance of finding that as they do in finding Utopia!

Life Balance has very little; if nothing to do with the amount of time you invest in the main areas of your life: Spiritual, Relational, Emotional, Physical and Financial. I put these in order of importance in my life.

Peace of Mind is MUCH better words than Balance and should be what we are trying to create.

True Balance in life is ALL about how you think, feel, and talk about each of the five areas above.

Take a look at your life right now and pick the one area that’s creating the most frustration. For most people, it’s their work (Financial). They are not frustrated with the amount of time they are putting into their job but how little fulfillment it is generating in their lives.

When one area is out of Balance, it affects the quality of life in ALL areas. It would not make any difference to take time off, go on vacation, or look for another job. In the majority of cases, this is manifesting in your life because of the way you Think, Feel, and Talk about it.

The most frustrating and disappointing time of my work life came when I was only working 4 hours a day! I hated doing what I was doing, and I was completely worn out mentally and physically each day.

My lack of Balance did not come from putting too much time in one area and not enough in the other more important areas.  My frustration would NOT have changed if I cut my time in half and only worked 2 hours per day.

Change happened when I changed how I Thought, Felt, and Talked about my job.

True Balance in your life comes through PEACE of Mind.

I now work closer to 10 to 12 hours a day and have more Balance than when I worked 4! It has nothing to do with time invested into each area.

You are the only one who can create Balance/Peace of Mind in each of the areas of your life.

The secret is found in the way you Think, Feel, and Talk about them.

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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