You were created to fulfill your Destiny

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You were given Everything you could ever possibly need to be successful and fulfill your Destiny!


You have enough Ability, Talent, Resources, Passion, Determination, Focus, Strength, and Discipline to overcome all of life’s obstacles.


The Purpose you were created to fulfill before the Fat lady Sings is your unique Destiny.


All that you could possibly need in the pursuit and completion of that goal was given to you.


The problem with this is that we only seem to see the challenges, perceived shortcomings in ourselves and comparing ourselves to others further along in life’s race.


Did you get to see the interview with Tom Brady that Oprah did? His life is the Perfect example of what each of us WILL face in pursuing our Destiny.


Tom was told all his life that he did NOT have the size, talent, strength or ability to make it as a Pro Football Quarterback.


Most of the people he competed against were better than he was in almost Every physical level.


He decided to focus on the things he COULD do and be better at: Leadership, strategy, tactics, understanding and reading defenses, accuracy and technique.


History will decide if he is the GOAT: Greatest Of All Time.


Tom decided every day in his mind that he would be a starting QB and that he would fulfill his Destiny even though MOST of the other athletes were BETTER than he was!


Like Tom, you have strengths, abilities, and resources you do not yet know or understand. As you pursue your Destiny, they will be revealed to you.


The unique Destiny that you have been given was created to pull out of you MORE than you ever thought was possible or could ever dream was possible!


Today is the day to leave the Rest Stop you have been hanging out in and get back on the highway of life.


The only way to find all of your hidden strengths is to chase after your Purpose with all that is within you.


The rest of what you need is revealed as you are following hard after your Destiny.




                                         Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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