Create Systems NOT Goals

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Have you quit your new goals for this year yet?


Many Americans have already thrown in the towel. They are waking up and deciding to push the snooze button on life!


Now is NOT the time to quit on the desired changes you want to make this year.


Now is the time to QUIT making Goals. Stop Setting Goals right NOW!


Goals are things we like to tell people we are going to do to feel better about ourselves. The actual pursuit of a goal lasts from two weeks to two months before we Quit.


Setting Goals is like believing in Fairytales. It makes for a nice story, and it makes you feel better for a season but kissing frogs NEVER produces Princes!


Your success in life will come through the Systems you set up NOT the Goals you set.


A goal is a temporary target that even when achieved rarely changes your life because you did NOT change your habits!


Setting up good life systems will change your daily habits, and they will change your life.


The biggest business failure we had to endure came about because we did NOT set up systems to run the business. We did set financial goals and even hit some of them, BUT we still failed and lost everything.


Hitting the financial goals in this business did NOT change the day to day habits that were causing us to fail. We hit bigger revenue totals but were losing more and more money.


You must set up daily systems for your life, and when done right you will hit and achieve EVERY Goal.


Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds this year. Do NOT set a goal to lose 20 pounds instead write out what you need to do each day:


Times you will eat and what you will eat, food that you will prep the night before, how and when you will exercise, who will be your accountability coach, and times you will go to and get out of bed.


Without Systems, Goals are Fairy Tales!




Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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