Work is the Best of all the Four Letter Words!

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The Rock has a famous saying based on his key to success “Be humble, hungry, and the hardest worker in any room.”


What would happen to you and your life if you decided to be the Hardest Worker in the Room every day?


I guarantee it would change your life for the better in every area.


You might not become the next Rock, but you will become something so much better than you are right now.


To be the Hardest Worker in the Room takes the right attitude. You will never be able to fake your way through this nor will it be an overnight miracle cure for your current situation.


Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, started with $7 in his pocket in 1995 and knew two things: First was that he was broke as hell, and Second, he knew one day he wouldn’t be!


You cannot control what happened to you yesterday, to the economy, or what will happen tomorrow, but you can Totally control how hard you will work right now.


Most people believe that if they do not like or respect their work, then they have a right to be lazy, and do just enough not to get fired every day.


That is the mentality of a loser and one who has stage 5 cancer in their Attitude. The prognosis of this person is a very long frustrating and bitter life!


Work is the Best of the Four Letter Words because it is a blessing to you Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Financially, and Relationally.


The last 25 years I have made it a goal to be the hardest working person in the room.


This Attitude and Work Ethic has opened up more doors of opportunity than I have time to pursue.


Your future will be decided by what you do today.


It takes just as much effort to be the laziest worker as it does the hardest worker, so choose wisely!




              Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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