Assuming the Death Position

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If you’re not losing some sleep each week due to stretching yourself beyond your current abilities, then you have already assumed the death position!


Ben Franklin said some people have died at 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.


The Death position is giving up, playing it safe, trying not to fail, worrying about what others will think if you try, and fear of success to name a few.


We are trying too hard to fit in, become invisible, and too busy following the crowd. This is NOT living; it is Assuming the Death Position!


Life without struggle, stretching beyond our limits, and failure, is total unconditional surrender and the only possible outcome is death on the inside. You are stabbing yourself in the back when you try and live this way.


Life is meant to be lived on the edge of your seat not sure until the last second if you will make it through or not.


Can you imagine paying to see a movie that all it inspired you to do was fall asleep? You are the writer, producer and lead actor in the movie of life so make it an inspirational thriller.


People are watching your life movie every day. What are you inspiring them to do: take a nap or take a risk?


Living life means you have to stretch yourself every day and that means there will be some sleepless nights. This is a sign you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zones. Only dead people can sleep through life.


When was the last time you said yes to something that scared you or pushed you beyond your perceived limits? Look for opportunities each day to prove to the vultures that you are alive and kicking!


          Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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