Millionaire Desires with a Minimum Wage Work Ethic

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No matter who you are, at some point in our lives, we all dreamed of being a Millionaire and what it would be like to have everything we ever wanted.


The only decisions you do not get to make is your starting place in the great game of life (Birth): who your parents are, where you live, the condition of your family and finances.


Once you are in the game of life, it becomes your responsibility to take the above conditions of birth and to set out to change your stars!


The easy way out is to make excuses as to why you can’t change and become more than your birth station in life.


“Life is unfair.”


“My parents didn’t help me.”


“The color of my skin, lack of education or money are why I can’t.”


“The rich people & corporations enslave the little people like me.”


“Politicians have stacked the deck against us.”


“My teacher or boss does not like me.”


These are just a few of the lame excuses we give to cover up the fact that we decided to quit! You only need one excuse to lose, so it doesn’t really matter which flavor you’ve chosen. They are all Dream Killers.


The right Attitude and Work Ethic will set you apart in this game of life. They may not make you a Millionaire, but I guarantee they will bring you fulfillment!


I can also guarantee you that if you hide behind any excuse as to why you cannot succeed or change then you will not only Fail in life, but you will become a very bitter, frustrated person.


How you came into this world was not your fault but how you leave this world is 100% all you!


You are a decision away from changing your destiny.


“All men are created equal; but it is your own fault if you stay that way.” Dr. Long




                                          Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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