A successful job demands a Reservation

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My wife and I took a vacation to England many years ago and decided to wing it! The only reservation we made was for the round trip airline tickets.


We did not make any hotel, sightseeing trips or historical site reservations. We decided just to do whatever we wanted at any given moment of the day.


I would love to tell you it was a great experience but that would be a complete lie! The vacation was a train wreck from the moment we arrived until the day we left.


Since we did not do any research or preparation, we had no idea what we were up against in London. The rooms for one night were more than we had set aside for the week! We ended up doing a lot of walking, staying in some pretty sketchy places and not getting to see many of the sites.


To have a successful job takes the same effort to produce a successful vacation.


You MUST make a Reservation if you want to have a Job that you love and feel like you are doing something bigger than yourself!


When you are planning for this year’s vacation, you will research the locations, times, types of travel, pricing, and make a list of all the things you want to do and see.


Once the research is done you start to prepare for the time you will be away. You will make lists of who will take care of your personal and professional life while you are away.


Having a Great Vacation takes an unbelievable amount of research, planning, preparation, energy and hard work.


Can you imagine going on a vacation, like we did to London, and not making any plans or doing any research?


Every day in America 70% of our working population is going to work and deciding to wing it! They have no plan, didn’t make any reservations or preparations, but they are Hoping for success!


Your chances of having a job that is fun and one that you love going to without making reservations for is about the same odds of hitting the lottery.


Start today to research, plan, prepare, and then make a reservation for a successful job.






                                           Find Your passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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