Your Words Create Your Future

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The words you speak today will help to create your world tomorrow. They leave our mouths and carry with them the ability to travel in time and prepare a place for you.


Based on the words you spoke today you can know what your future holds!


I dare you to stop and think about what you’ve been saying. How much of your speech is dominated by complaining versus what you are grateful for?


Be honest with yourself and take inventory. Most of us speak about ten times more doubt, fear and frustration over our lives than we do what we are grateful and excited about!


We wonder why our days are full of negativity and discontentment. Why our lives never seem to work out like we want them to. The secret to your future is your tongue!


Your tongue is the rudder of your life’s ship. If you keep ending up in places, situations and with people you don’t want or like then check the direction of the rudder.


The beginning of your futures foundation is the words you speak about yourself, family, job, and finances today.


Our problems are not the jobs, people, lack of money or frustrating situations we find ourselves in, but what we say about each of these things.


You are the ONLY one who decides what comes out of your mouth. No one can force you to curse your future, and if you choose to complain about it then you are cursing your future!


In my opinion, more people complain about their jobs than anything else in their lives, and that is why most Americans hate doing what they are doing. The problem is our focus is on the job causing the frustration, BUT the real problems are the words you are speaking about your job.


Want to change what you have? Change the direction of your life by speaking what you want instead of what you have! You are the GPS of your life, and like the one in your car, you programmed it to tell you where to go.


Start blessing those things in your life that you don’t like. Start by being grateful for what you have and stop complaining about your job, finances, marriage, and health.


Your words are busy building your future. Choose them wisely!




                                                 Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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