Vacation or an Excuse

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Build your job, career or profession in a way that you don’t need an Excuse Vacation!


So many people build their lives around two to four weeks of vacation time a year. They talk about them, research them, invest in them and spend their entire lives looking forward to and paying for them!


Do you take vacations or do you go away as an excuse to escape the life you have?


Let’s be honest with each other.  I would be willing to bet that most people want to escape the reality of their jobs more than they want a vacation.


How can you tell if you are on a vacation or an excuse? Easy how do you feel about your job, career or profession while you are gone?


Most people don’t miss anything about it and on top of that get all stressed out the day before they have to leave their vacation to come back to their reality!


You should build your job in such a way that you don’t need a vacation from it! That doesn’t mean you don’t go on vacations, but it does mean you love your job and life and would even miss it while vacationing!


When we bought our first home, we were so excited about it for the first year. Like the honeymoon stage in a marriage that wore off as we noticed areas that we didn’t like.


That’s when we decided we would need to consistently do things to the home to keep it upgraded and remodeled.  We painted, put on a new roof, redid all the windows, remodeled the bathrooms, living room and part of the kitchen, tore up the yard and laid sod, put up a new fence, built a basketball court and a new deck.


We did all these things over a 15 year period, as things changed in our lives, we changed our home. This took constant effort on our part to create and live in our dream home.


This is how you build a dream job that you don’t need a vacation as an excuse to escape from your reality. You constantly remodel and fix areas that need repair.


YOU must take ownership and be invested in your Job. It is YOUR responsibilities to make it your dream job, not your bosses!




                                            Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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