The 3 Types of Jobs: The Challenge, The Career & The Calling

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Those of us who are working or who have ever had a job will fall into one of 3 types of mindsets:


The Challenge – you are only there for the money.  Everything about this job is summed up in the words “What’s in it for me”?


The Career – you like your work and believe in what you are doing. You are happy for the most part and will probably stay there for many years.


The Calling – you see your work and what you do as a way of changing lives. Your work gives you a Purpose, Energy, and Meaning.


Can you be honest with yourself right now and decide which one you have? According to Gallop, 70% are unhappy doing what they are doing so that would put the majority of people into the Challenge mindset about their work.


My first Job out of High School was to join the Air Force. I would call this the Career mindset because I believed in what we were doing and thought this would be my life.


After eight years I decided to get out because I was not consumed with it. There was still this void on the inside when I thought about my work. I did not see what I did as something that was making a difference or denting the Universe!


Getting out of the Military led me right to The Challenge mindset. I took a job based solely on desperation. I needed a paycheck and did not care what it was or what I was doing, and for 18 months my life was a Challenge.


It was a Challenge to get out of bed, to go to work, to have a positive attitude or to actually do any work at all. My job was a paycheck…Nothing more.


This kind of life sucks!


My Challenge transformed into my Calling because someone forced me to see what I was doing as a way to change the world! My life has been a Great Adventure ever since.


Change how you see your work, and you will transform it from the Challenge to the Calling!




                                          Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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