Set Yourself on Fire

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Starting a fire with a rock and piece of flint is harder than it looks!


My job, at my son’s 4th grade trip to Sutter’s Fort, was to start and maintain the camp’s fire for 2 days. I started practicing 6 weeks before the trip so that I would not embarrass myself!


This looks so easy when I watch people doing in on the show Naked & Afraid or on a video on YouTube. My first 2 weeks were a disaster. It took me so long how to get it right, but after working on it for weeks and trying hundreds of times, I was able to start a fire with a rock and piece of flint!


Setting yourself on fire is very similar. It looks and sounds so easy when you watch someone who is on fire or someone talk about being on fire.


Your Passion and Purpose are your Rock & Flint. You will need to constantly be trying over and over before you get some sparks flying in the right direction.


It’s really easy to create sparks, just slap your flint into the rock, and presto sparks will fly. Try doing that and hitting a tiny piece of hopefully flammable material.


There are no magic buttons to push to find your own fire on the inside (your passion), but there are some tips to help you create sparks.

Fire Starting Tip

One of the keys to starting a fire is to get involved, or (as one of my mentors likes to say), “You don’t have to get it right; you just have to get going!” Get out of your comfort zone and get involved with your community.


Chances are you will not get it right the first time, but you will learn and grow from the experience.


Forget about getting your ducks in a row or waiting for the “perfect” fit.


Get involved now. Your community needs your gifts, talents, and abilities! As you get involved, you will learn valuable lessons about yourself and life that you cannot learn by waiting.


You are surrounded by so many opportunities every day to get involved: Charities, Boards, Churches, Youth organizations, City groups, and Military and Senior organizations to name a few.


Get involved, stay consistent and one day you will wake up on fire, and the world will come and watch you burn.




                                        Find your passion and you will find your life!

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