First to Fight…Victory

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When I was stationed in Germany the Army soldiers had a saying “First to Fight…Victory” This meant that if they were going into battle they must strike first and often.

They did not want to go into a situation hesitating or waiting to see what the enemy might do. Don’t wait to see what happens and react to them.  Take action first and dictate the fight.

I always thought this was good advice and have tried to apply it to every area of my life. Not just to being a soldier but also to business, finances, and my job and current goals.

Too many times we decide on a direction but sit waiting for inspiration, help, guidance, or even a sign from God!

One of the most important keys to Victory is getting STARTED. We delay in our pursuit of success because we are unsure if it’s the right direction or action.

Let me tell you a secret: 99% of the time your first direction will be WRONG no matter how much time you delay getting started.

No one gets it all right all the time and especially in the beginning of your fight for success.

It does not matter whether your first action step or direction is correct. All that matters is that you do it NOW!

You have to get going now so that you can make adjustments to your course. The correct action step or direction will reveal itself AFTER you make mistakes NEVER before.

What is one goal you are sitting on still thinking about what you should do? The longer you sit the harder it gets to take action. You will fill your mind with one excuse and rationalization after another until you become paralyzed with fear.

The antidote for fear is action. It NEVER matters whether the action is the correct or the wrong one! It only matters that YOU take action now and change your course as you realize, through mistakes, the correct steps to take.


Remember the First to Fight…VICTORY!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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