Chasing Money or Chasing Meaning

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I was chasing Money so hard that I missed my life…The Meaning or Purpose for my life that is.  Money is a tool to use to serve life but for those that chase it, it becomes your Master.

This wasn’t the life I wanted to have. It became my life over a period of time as the pressures of living paycheck to paycheck mounted.

Living in debt, creditors calling daily, being kicked out of your home due to lack of payment, and driving a car that breaks down monthly all motivated me to chase money.

Once you start chasing Money you lose! Like a dog that chases cars, you might eventually catch it but the moment you do only bad things can happen!

Most of us are going to work every day using our jobs as a vehicle to chase a paycheck. When money is the reason for your work then, like the dog that chases cars, only bad things can happen.

What if our jobs/work had a greater meaning then just money? What if that thing we hate to go to Monday through Friday actually held the secret to our Purpose and Passion?

The thing that I hated the most, my job, because I was using it only to make money, has become one of the greatest sources of inspiration and fulfillment!

Once I stopped seeing my job as a way to make more money and viewed it as a way to create meaning, my life radically changed.

The job stayed the same but the view changed from the outhouse to the penthouse.

The funny thing about this whole process was I started making more money when it stopped being my focus!

Now my job is about building Meaning by serving those who our business was created for. When your days are consumed with helping others be successful, you create Meaning and Purpose.

Make your job have Meaning and the Money will follow you.


                                               Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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